March URAC Meeting Catalina DXpedition

We had a good showing last Friday at the Think Café for dinner. When the meeting was called to order (about 19:20) URAC’s own Diana Feinberg, AI6DF, gave a great presentation of the IOTA station operation on Catalina Island. There were many pictures and diagrams of the set up at Two Harbors. Dianna was there with the PVARC Group, of which some were also URAC members participating. Her presentation started with the boat trip over, which was very smooth, and covered lugging all the equipment to the site once the boat docked. The set up of antennas and radios was very interesting. They had a visitor during the set up and take down … a Catalina Buffalo (or Bison) named George who showed up in many slides. He seemed interested in the goings on, though I don’t know if they made him a Honorary Ham?

They seem to have made a good many contacts, both in the US and some DX. All in all, fun was had by all. There was a tour of the place were they all stayed, which had a nice outdoor covered kitchen and communal Rest Rooms. Thank you, Diana, for a most interesting program. Great Job!