On Saturday, February 27, about fifty 4th and 5th grade students of Dorothy Grant Elementary School in Fontana, California and their families visited the Los Angeles Maritime Museum and the United Radio Amateur Club (K6AA).
The students are members of the school’s ham radio club, Dorothy Grant Elementary School Amateur Radio Club, K6DGE under the direction of Beverly Matheson, WA6BK.
Several club members have already passed their Technician Class exam including Suzette, KK6TQK and Jocelyn, KK6TQS.
Not only are the students active DXers, but David Collingham, K3LP, co-leader of the recent VP8 DXpedition to South Sandwich/South Georgia is the K6DGE club license trustee and an alumnus of the school.
To learn more about their club visit: www.k6dge.com