Category Archives: Monthly Breakfast

First Saturday Breakfast – July 2014

Surprise, surprise … 15 people showed up on the day after the 4th for a gab fest with food at the Think Café. Not surprisingly, much of the talk was about Field Day. Here are some of the high (and low) lights:

Homer, K6HKT, reports that the LDG auto tuner he has previously shown to the group is finally installed. Regarding Field Day, he says he witnessed Steve (K6NT) & Ray (N6HE) operating CW together and marvels at the rhythm they can maintain.

Steve, K6NT, reports that Field Day was fun for him … the CW station made about 1300 Q’s. We reported to him that Gina’s (KF6MYQ) food was rumored to be the best in the ARRL LAX section.

Ivan, KB6ATT, also enjoyed Field Day, and “thanks to everyone who participated and helped out.” The phone part of the bands was challenging this year. He encountered numerous instances where he could hear another station but they could not hear him. (Others around the table, Doug included, agreed that this one way problem was not unique to us or to our location, others have noticed it too). He also mentioned that there had been talk of operating for the Californian QSO party (first weekend in October) and that he would be interested.

Sam, K1SL, is ‘here’. His ‘racing’ caddie has had an overheating problem when slowing down (!!) so he has installed two new fans under the hood.

Bruce, AG6BJ, has been battling an electrical interference problem at his home QTH, which affects all antennas except the double bazooka dipoles. He is continuing his investigations.

John, WA6SDK, enjoyed working the GOTA station at Field Day as well as working with Ivan on phone.

Bill, W6AJ, reports that unless he takes a test before the end of the month for an Airline Transport Pilot’s license, he will have to meet conditions that include going to a yet unspecified training school and being under 65 … so he is studying hard.

There was one test taker today for the GROL test (he passed both elements).

Doug, W6HB, updated us on the:

  • LA Council (he is our rep). The council is updating their website speakers list. ARALB is looking to coordinate amateur radio classes and may do it through the website also.
  • There is a HAM CON 2015 meeting here on July 26th. There will be no lottery drawing; instead, each paid admission will get 5 tickets to be treated like door prizes…no need for ticket sellers, just to coordinate the drawings.
  • The July 18th URAC meeting (The White Elephant Sale) will be back at the Maritime Museum. We cannot drive into the site to offload; however, if no one is parked there, you can drop off at the curb. Also you can pull into the drive just to the south of the museum to offload, but you cannot leave your vehicle there. Doug will not be able to make the meeting.
  • Possible food for the August get-together at the Point Fermin Lighthouse (for Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend): The caterer we have used for the last several years is moving out of state and will not be available. A possible alternative is the Jalisco Food Truck that can come to us and offer a Taco Bar on site. It comes highly recommended for the area. Doug is investigating, but the consensus of members present was that it sounded like a good idea.

Ana, (XYL of W6HB) had a scare last month with symptoms resembling those of a heart attack. She also shared stories of the possible effects of the new “Common Core Curriculum.” That set off much reminiscing in the group (remember Dick, Jane, and Spot?).

Gary, N6HMR, reported that his grandson ran afoul of a zero tolerance policy on guns because he repeated some information on the guns on the Battleship Iowa! He enjoyed Field Day and is on the CW team (see above).

Treva, N6HMS, shared information on converting photos to CD using a fast scan machine at Target or Sam’s Club.

Scotty, K6ZNL, enjoyed setting up, taking down, setting up and taking down again, the GOTA station for Field Day. This started a discussion on the sling shot device used to put up the Windom Antenna (see the K6AA website for photos of Doug using the sling-shot). Scotty and Tom will be on a cruise and miss both the July and August meetings.

Tom, KJ6JPZ, also enjoyed getting on the air at Field Day.

Nick, N6EFI, enjoyed and thanked everyone for making Field Day a success. He is gathering ‘stuff’ for the White Elephant Sale on 7/18.

Bill, W6AJ, won the breakfast certificate.

Respectfully submitted,

Scotty Butler, K6ZNL Still temporary Breakfast Scribe