URAC Round Table W6AM Repeater 145.480Mhz
W6AM Repeater is 145.480Mhz -600Khz Split / 100.0Hz Tone
W6AM Repeater is 145.480Mhz -600Khz Split / 100.0Hz Tone
W6AM Repeater is 145.480Mhz -600Khz Split / 100.0Hz Tone
W6AM Repeater is 145.480Mhz -600Khz Split / 100.0Hz Tone
December 2020 Christmas Lunch - Date: December 18, 2PM; Place: The Think Café, either in the tented area or in the rear parking lot, or in the outside patio.
Meeting will be held via Skype - specific details will be sent by email. No additional software is needed, but if you'd like to download Skype before the meeting (it may work better in the app, than on the web), you can download the software here: https://www.skype.com/en/get-skype/ It is also recommended that if you use … Continue reading URAC General Membership Skype Meeting
W6AM Repeater is 145.480Mhz -600Khz Split / 100.0Hz Tone
W6AM Repeater is 145.480Mhz -600Khz Split / 100.0Hz Tone
W6AM Repeater is 145.480Mhz -600Khz Split / 100.0Hz Tone
W6AM Repeater is 145.480Mhz -600Khz Split / 100.0Hz Tone
Meeting will be held via Skype - specific details will be sent by email. No additional software is needed, but if you'd like to download Skype before the meeting (it may work better in the app, than on the web), you can download the software here: https://www.skype.com/en/get-skype/ It is also recommended that if you use … Continue reading URAC General Membership Skype Meeting